Editor-in-Chief Ishii's ``A Splendid Life of Extraneous Thoughts''

I want to do that, I want to do this. I want to enjoy life even more! Based on such greedy thoughts, we will deliver the daily life of editor-in-chief Ishii, who enjoys life full of distractions. This time, we'll be talking about The Saint Nine Tokyo, a super luxury golf course that is completely introduction-only and has become the hottest topic among golf enthusiasts.

I can't enter even if I want to. I don't know how to approach it. The current membership price is over 30 million yen... I visited The Saint Nine Tokyo, a completely introduction-based golf membership organization that is currently the hottest topic among rich golfers. I had a chance to introduce the company in LEON's magazine last year, so I invited the CEO of a certain luxury maison to visit, and he was just as wonderful as the rumors had said.

As you can see, is this an art museum? Or a modern luxury hotel? Appearance.

When you step into the clubhouse, you'll find Kohei Nawa's deer works, which are currently making waves in the world's art world, sitting in the open atrium!

The second floor is all suites (private rooms) with terraces, and is a completely private space where you can change, shower, and eat all your meals. If you order, you can also have a BBQ on the terrace. By the way, what was displayed in this room was Andy Warhol, which needs no introduction...

This suite has lockers for 4 people, and if you have a bed, it will have the feel of a luxury hotel. There is a wide variety of food and alcohol, and this time we are sponsoring French wine that has not yet arrived in Japan! I opened it.

The practice field was, of course, made of fresh grass. It's a shame that I can't show you the details because it's a completely private membership organization, but there's also a restaurant that looks like a hotel lounge, a bathhouse with a sauna (the submersible water bath is the best!), and a golf course. It might have raised the level of luxury in the place a few notches. At "The Saint Nine Tokyo," you basically check in using the member-only app, and drinks are free at the practice range and on the course. All of the staff have worked in top-class hotels, so you can receive service filled with hospitality that is more like a hotel than a golf course. The people who support the rounds are also called "concierges" rather than caddies, so you can get a sense of the atmosphere.

I would like to hold a golf competition here with everyone someday... Until then, let's deepen our relationship even further!